Sika Australia; plants Canning Vale, Keyborough, Para Hills West, Wanagara and Wetherill Park Policy of zero tolerance for unsafe practices and full commitment from the Management for safety initiatives and projects. The ongoing activities and measures include Awareness Campaigns, Safety Education, Monitoring and Alerts, Site Audits and Inspections, Root Cause Analysis and Safety Week Activities, Bulletins, or Notice Boards. There were no direct occupational accidents and no days lost from accidents as from 2015.
Safety First Culture
The goals for Sika Australia has been the establishment of safety first culture by creating a safe and healthy work environment.
The ongoing activities and measures include an awareness campaign on the premises, safety education, and the improvement action request system. Site Audits, nspections, root cause analysis are taking place on a regular basis. Safety week activities at all locations combine communication activities like bulletins, or notice boards with monthly production tool box meetings with structured agenda to improve communication among staff and to follow-up important issues.
The result is a safe working system by creating a safe operation practice for each equipment. Adequate safety signage and good traffic management knowledge together with education on principles of good governance help to give priority to safety topics. Robust cleanliness and a maintenance program for machinery and equipment heve become a standard.
There have been no occupational accidents in the aftermath of the Safety First Program. The employee’s opinions and suggestions are improving productivity, work efficiency, and help to establish and maintain the safety first culture.